Thursday, September 17, 2009

Volunteer work

On Tuesday, the Radical Journey group was split into three teams, and sent to various organizations in the city to volunteer for the day. My group was sent to Cornerstone Community Outreach, a shelter ran by Jesus People for single women and children.
Since it was so close, I got to sleep in, which was really nice. When we got there nobody knew that we were coming and after calling around to figure out where we were supposed to be, they eventually just sent us to the kitchen. Where they set us to work opening cans of vegetables. After the vegetables, we did everything from cleaning out freezers to cutting bread, to cutting meat, to unloading a truck to doing dishes, whatever it was that they needed us to do.
I helped to clean the freezer, and then helped to fill it up with new food, it reminded me of working at bestbuy and loading truck.

overall it was great to be helping out, and doing some of the work that Jesus People USA (my host for this past month) does within the community.

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