Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ok, so I realised that I've been sharing the special things that have been happening, but that unless you are from the program, you don't really know what I do on a day to day basis, hopefully this post will change that

6:30- 7:15-
somewhere in this time, I'll wake up, the alarm in our room is set for 7:30, but i've literally only waken to it once. I like to spend this time before everyone else is up to either read my novel (which i've finished now, so I'll need to find something else), read scripture, or do devotions.

Around eight o'clock, everyone is pretty much awake. And we start heading over for breakfast. We have to cross the alley to Jesus People USA's (Shortened to JPUSA, pronounced Jepusa) main building. where we eat, usually the options are oatmeal, some type of meat, some type of grain (like pancakes or french toast, or bagels), and fruit. There is also a small selection of regular cereal as well.

usually at nine, we go to morning prayers with some of the people from JPUSA. This starts with a few songs, led by Ruth and Rebecca, usually a combination of hymns and worship songs. Then one of the JPUSAns will talk about a piece of scripture, or a theme, such as Integrety, or matthew 25. this has been a really good time to reflect about God's word, and I really appreciate it.

9:45- 10:00ish-
we head back to the Flat, and meet in the common room, where we either have a bunch of "youth room" couches and chairs. Where either Krista, Darrell, or a guest speaker will talk to us about something or we get our stuff ready to head out to whatever location, or object lesson we are going to get for the day. This is where most of the teaching time happens

We break for lunch at 11:30, and have some sort of sandwich, or pasta meal

we reconvene for the rest of our lesson or speaker's presentation, or possibly a new subject alltogether. We've talked about everything from Journaling, to poverty, to Evangelism (possibly have a break part way through)

we wrap up whatever we are doing and go for supper, usually a meat, salad, and side

we meet again if there is anything left to talk about, or if there is something special that's going to happen that evening, else we spend the evening either hanging out, reading, watching a movie or going out either to downtown, or dallop depending on the person.

Sometime in this time period, I get my shower, and go to bed. Ready to start the whole thing over again the next day.

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