Saturday, September 5, 2009

Bible Study

Bible Study,

As a group, we've decided that we wanted to do twice weekly bible studies on top of the scheduled list of events/ discussions/ morning prayers, etc. This has been a nice time of refreshing, and community building. This past week, we had some issues getting bible study together. We guys (there are four of us) decided that we wanted to lead it on Wednesday,.
When Wednesday rolled around, we found out that the vicar from the Anglican Church where the England Team will be working, was here and wanted to go out to dinner with them, which resulted in it not happening on it's usual date. Then tonight we didn't get to do it during the regular time because we has something in the evening, but when we got back, we were able to do Bible Studies anyways.
We started it off by reading the scripture that we were basing it on, and then we read something that I had found online about identity and being part of the Body of Christ. Then when we finished reading that, we had some discussion questions, which brought out some interesting ideas about how we view ourselves, and each other.
Since we are all part of Christ's body, we then served Communion, to remind us of how Christ broke his body for us, and poured out his blood. We then sang two songs before ending it.
Overall tonight's Bible Study went off really well, and I can't wait to see what the next group does.

originally written September 3rd, 2009

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