Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I need to blog again, here are things that you might like

1. Monday and Tuesday of this week we went to a game reserve, where we slept the night, and did a night drive. Unfortunately my camera is busted so you'll have to check out the other blogs from my team in order to see pictures, but it was really cool, the only things that could have made it better, is if we had seen cats.

2. This week is a church wide fast, so we are all really hungry. I am doing a liquids only fast. We mostly just complain about being hungry, but we are really doing quite good.

3. Life here has become crazy busy, Monday nights we have worship/prayer services which are usually good. Tuesday to thursday mornings are prayer times, where everyone just prays in the spirit for various things. I don't get much out of these meetings, but I still go because it makes me more disciplined in my faith, but the really hectic time is the weekends, fridays we start work at ten like every other day, but at three o'clock we have kids klub, which is a drop in time for kids, then afterwards we get like an hour or two before going off to Youth Celebration at 7. which are really awesome. After Youth Celebration, there is an hour or so before HALF NIGHT OF PRAYER, which starts at 10, and goes untill 1 in the morning.

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