Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shelly Beach

So as stated in my past entry, this past week we were in Port Shepstone at Skogheim Christian Conference Center with other Mennonites doing a week long Retreat. It was good times, and we did a bunch of cool stuff.

Note:if you don't understand a term see my previous entry, it should be in there.

We sang hymns from the Hymnal: a Worship Book, which was cool, I haven't done that in a while. I was however, disappointed we didn't sing the good Doxology the entire week, yet did the slightly less awesome one like 3 times.

We did sharing and praying time, when the various families/ groups would share what their job discription is, what they do, what they struggle with and what various prayer requests, then we laid hands on them and prayed for them.

We swam in a pool and played a form of water polo where you had to get a ball under a chair. This game was complicated by the fact that their were little kids playing with us, and we didn't want to hurt them.

We built relationships.

I met a Rockway Alumni who graduated the year I started, and learned that things don't change.

We went to a used book store, where we got a bunch of books, then went and got Frozen Yogurt which was good.

We had good discussion times about how we experience God in a new culture, talking about both what we have to gain, and what we have to learn from the new culture.

We had chocolate fondue which was good,

We did communion, which was even better. It was cool sharing Christ's Body, with Christ's Body

We also went to the beach where I learned a few things
1.just because you haven't sunburned somewhere before, doesn't mean you can't (my legs hurt for three days).
2.Wind picks up sand blows it around. That's how a sand blaster works, and theres a reason you wear thick clothes for that.
3.Wind Barriers don't work if they are made out of sand. It just provides more ammunition for the wind to shoot at your body.
4.Sand can get into everything including your ears, and into your glasses (which turned out to be problematic, sand kept getting into my eyes, and it sucked trying to get it out).


  1. oh gross! sandy glasses? But none the less, it sounds like you had an awesome weekend!

  2. Hope you keep finding sand less and less!
