Friday, August 28, 2009

Greetings from chicago!

Hi everyone,

I'm here in Chicago, I got in on Sunday. We are staying at Jesus People USA, an intentional community here in Chicago with over 450 members. We are staying in the short term visitor dormitory, The People at Jesus People say that we are a very unusual group because we are staying there for a month while most people only stay for a couple days.
As of 6:30 Thursday night, we still do not have internet, we've had some confusion about the codes the Tech guy needs from us, but we hope to have it figured out tonight, and hopefully have internet by Saturday morning.
Today we had to go to different communities within the city where we had to find certain information about the community. My Group was sent to Little Village. Once we got there, it was easy to ask someone the questions we needed to answer. The next part of our task was to eat on a dollar per person, we had to do it really fast or else we would have been late, so each person in my group only got half a taco each. This highlighted the importance of being smart about how we spent our money and not rushing because when we got home to the flat, we found out that some of the other groups had eaten flat bed and peanut butter, which would definitely have been more filling.
If anyone wants to write to me, my address is:

Tim Wenger
c/o Visiting Group Coordinator
920 W. Wilson
Chicago, IL

Please keep praying about me, it`s greatly appreciated,

originally written on August 27, 2008 7:30pm CST

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