Monday, August 31, 2009


This past week we have been given various challenges to complete in order to familiarize ourselves with Chicago. These challenges served the dual purpose of helping us to bond with our fellow participants.
On Wednesday, we were split up into “Neighbourhood Groups” we were split up and given the name of one of Chicago's 70 odd neighbourhoods. My group was called Austin.
The first time we had to go to various locations around the Downtown area, and complete various tasks such as getting library cards (quite easy), and figuring out what happened at a particular site (a ferry tipped over killing over 800 people, and resulting in a rethinking of the safety requirements for ferries). My group was the first group to the end location, and therefore got a prize. The second time we went out, it was more observational this time. We went to Little Village, one of the spanish areas, and had to find various things such as where people hang out, and what parks are near bye. Then we had to find something to eat on a dollar per person. Because we were short on time, we found a restaurant, and we split 2 tacos between four people. This taught me the importance of not rushing decisions, because when we got back, we found out that other had had pitas and peanut butter.
The third time we went out we were in different groups. This time we just had to follow directions, and end up at the conservatory where we would meet and go to a center for green technology, unfortunately all the other groups didn't follow the directions, and they went straight to the center.
On Saturday, we were split into our country groups (the people on our team for the immersion part of radical journey). We were blindfolded and driven to random locations around the city. My group was able to find an a train stop 2 blocks from where we were, and were home within an hour and a half from the beginning of the excursion. Then since it was our turn to clean, we cleaned the house.
Once the cleaning was done, Gabriella and I decided we need to do laundry, so we went to the laundromat. Unfortunately we didn't realise that there were actual laundry machines availible and so we used the SIX DOLLAR industrial machines. Once we got the machines going, we walked a little bit farther, and found regular use machines 2 rows down, which was dissappointing and reminded me that you need to be more observational and to look before you leap.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Possibly Intelligent Conversation?

I really appreciate my fellow Radical Journey Participants. I finally have a group of believers roughly my age, that I can talk about my openly and honestly about my beliefs, feelings, questions, opinions every day. I can bounce ideas off them and not have to worry about them thinking I'm a freak or something. Last night I spent at least an hour talking with Nebraska (her real name is Rebecca, but we have 2 Rebeccas, and she comes from Nebraska) about church sizes, baptism, and Mennonite history and other things which I haven't had a chance to talk about in a long time.
Originally written August 27, 2009, 10:24 pm

Greetings from chicago!

Hi everyone,

I'm here in Chicago, I got in on Sunday. We are staying at Jesus People USA, an intentional community here in Chicago with over 450 members. We are staying in the short term visitor dormitory, The People at Jesus People say that we are a very unusual group because we are staying there for a month while most people only stay for a couple days.
As of 6:30 Thursday night, we still do not have internet, we've had some confusion about the codes the Tech guy needs from us, but we hope to have it figured out tonight, and hopefully have internet by Saturday morning.
Today we had to go to different communities within the city where we had to find certain information about the community. My Group was sent to Little Village. Once we got there, it was easy to ask someone the questions we needed to answer. The next part of our task was to eat on a dollar per person, we had to do it really fast or else we would have been late, so each person in my group only got half a taco each. This highlighted the importance of being smart about how we spent our money and not rushing because when we got home to the flat, we found out that some of the other groups had eaten flat bed and peanut butter, which would definitely have been more filling.
If anyone wants to write to me, my address is:

Tim Wenger
c/o Visiting Group Coordinator
920 W. Wilson
Chicago, IL

Please keep praying about me, it`s greatly appreciated,

originally written on August 27, 2008 7:30pm CST

Saturday, August 22, 2009

final prep

So I'm putting my final touches on packing. Tomorrow at three o'clock, I get in the car for bufallo, from there I board the midnight train, and at 9:45, I arrive in Chicago.

if anyone knows how to record video from a compaq presario laptop's built in webcam, if they could tell me, that would be great! If not I will use the digital camera I am bringing for my video updates.

Funny stories so far

- my mom get's a phone call asking if she wants a visa... now she just hears a foreign accent and assumes it's some guy in india or something selling credit cards, so she say's she's not interested. He then get's confused and is like "not interested? this is your visa for south africa!"

- The first thing I grabbed when I was at the store getting suplies for my trip was duct tape, because as most of you know, I love my duct tape. I for some reason don't get all of my e-mails when they go to my live account, so I missed the packing list the first time it went out, but I got it 2 days ago, and what was the first thing on the list?

You Guessed it... Duct tape

Friday, August 7, 2009


it took us weeks, it resulted in a stressfull night, and a few tears, but we finally got all of my visa stuff put together. Tomorrow, while I'm at work, my mom is going to the post office to send it off, please pray that I have everything done right.

Thanks, Tim