Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cape Town

So from the 15th to today I was on vacation. From the very first week we gothere everyone told us that we had to go to Cape Town, so after 7 and a half months of people telling us this, we've finally broken down and taken the 15 or so hour drive to Cape Town.

We tried to leave at 10 am in the morning, but the Shop took too long for our Car to be repaired, so we weren't sure when we were going to leave. At three o'clock, the car was ready and we drove to bloemfontein, where we stayed the night with Pastor Irvin, who is really Cool. He basically ran our convention (which you can read about in anna's blog).

The next morning we drove the remaining 12 hours to Cape Town, we got to Pastor Hilton's house with Just enough time to grab a bite to eat before going to Youth. At youth they had a World Cup Tournament on Bible Trivia focusing on the book of Matthew. They had us join the teams. I was assigned to one of the teams that lost the week before. we ended up winning that night.

The next day some of the youth took us around town, took us to the ocean, out for ice cream, and out for supper for fish and Chips.

The next day we went to church at the NZMI Church that Pastor Hilton started in cape town. we listened to Mother Rhoda preach, which was really cool.

we then spent the next two days driving around cape town, hanging out. it was really cool, we saw the penquins, the spot where the two oceans meet, as well as an awesome sun set.

we drove to Jeffery's Bay, spent a night in a Back Packers (basically a motel, or B&B)

We then drove to Mthata where we stayed at the sawatsky family's house. unfortunately our plans crashed with plan they forgot they made, so we stayed at their house while they were at a meeting with the Sudermans (colleagues of ours here in PMB). We watched an entire season of Friends, made popcorn and went for a picnic of a course of 2 days

Then we drove the rest of the way home today, overall it was great.

and yes it is only 2 1/2 months left in my time here.

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