Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Sorry, that I haven't updated in a while, we only get 2 gigs of internet usage a month, and we ran out by the 8th. So I'm using the church's internet to write this.

After being at convention, we got home, and we bummed around the house for 2 weeks, waiting to find out what we would be doing. then last week, tuesday we had a meeting with Pastor Russel, Hein (The person in charge of the Youth Department), Thandi (runs Breakthru Community Action, Breakthru's NGO, I'll eventually tell you more about this in another post), and Christine (The Mennonite Mission Network worker here in Pietermaritzburg). Where we were given different areas of focus. We will work in the other areas, but these are our main areas)

Kyle and Gabbey are working in BCA
Anna and Connie are working with Missions, and Children's Church/ Catering

and I will be working in the Youth Department. I will be helping to lead a cell in Eastwood (one of the suburbs of Pietermaritzburg), as well as working in the youth office.

As a prayer request- I'm going out evangelising tonight for the first time, please pray that the people we share with have receptive hearts, and that Hein and I are able to communicate the gospel fairly.

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