Tuesday, March 16, 2010

who am I?

Last night I had a question pop into my head that I didn't know the answer to. Who am I?

you see, all through high school, I was one of few evangelical christians at my school. So it was easy for me to know who I was, and what my purpose was, to get people to be more than just social activists, and to be more passionate about loving God.

Then I joined this program, and spent a month at Jesus People, where we all were all trying to be open, and honest, and just trying to follow Jesus every way we knew how. and I was on Cloud Nine, possibly even ten.

Once we got here to PMB, our church's youth are passionately on fire for christ, and trying to spread the word every way they know how. Evangelizing is done by others who know how to evangelize, and have an opportunity to evangelize (I don't know anyone here who is not christian). But now I'm one of a few socially conscious christians in a sea of evangelicals. Everyone here is really excited about following christ, but don't seem to know that this has social consequences (read irrestible revolution, or Jesus for President both by Shane Claiborne). And I try to be christ's love, to others through my daily walk.

But that isn't defining me like the opposite did back in high school. And I now that I'm conscious of it, I don't know how to define myself, I'm me. I'm a six on the anneagram (see blog from september), but that doesn't really explain much more than tgat I try to be as dependible for others as possible. I don't know what my gifts are, because the thing that I was once so focused my energies on no longer defines me. I no longer know what makes me, me.

any thoughts?


  1. Tim, first off, I just want you to know that what you posted on my blog awhile back meant so much to me and truly helped me. Thank you.

    Secondly, something that I have realized is that what you DO, or what cause you choose to beleive in does not define "who" you are. It is your heart. I have seen God in you Tim. In Chicago and even halfway across the world. To me that is what makes you you.

    Keep being Tim :)

  2. Thanks Devon, that really means a lot to me.

  3. Tim, what do you feel called to? Its good that you have felt on the outside (high school) and now you may be in the crowd, maybe the calling is to work in both or just one.

    I agree with Devon, I like Tim being Tim - its the only thing God called you to be.
