Thursday, February 11, 2010

Breaking point?

So a couple of days ago, we had just finished supper, and were getting ready to do dishes when my cell phone rings, I answer it and it is MY MOM CALLING ME FROM CANADA!!!! So I conveniently left the house and walked over to beside the church where there are some tables and benches, and talked with my mom.

Nothing overly profound was said, we just caught up with what's happening in each other's lives. But when she hung up I literally had tears rolling down my face, and I had to wait a couple minutes before coming home in order to compose myself.

As I think about it, I realize that this was the first time that I've actually missed home since coming to South Africa. the only other time since starting radical journey that I've felt this way was when I had to say goodbye to my parent's back in chicago.

While some of my other team mates have had struggles with being here, most of the time I've enjoyed it here, and the things I haven't liked I'd just let slide. And I actually haven't missed home, so I was starting to think that there was something wrong with me, because I haven't had the same struggles up to this point, and not missing home made me wonder how deep my relationships were with everyone back home. But now missing home has shown me that I do have attachments to people, I do have feelings and that I am Human.

I'm just sorry that it's taken me this long to realize it.