Monday, December 21, 2009

If he is with me...

So immediately after explaining to you that I don't write because there is nothing to write about, I immediately have two entries that I want to write. How's that for irony?

I realised a couple of months ago (I think it was October), that I didn't feel called to go to the school that I had planned on attending next year (the University of Waterloo for Social Development Studies), and that I should go straight into a pastoral ministry program instead. This was partially because I was reading one of the books that we have to read for Radical Journey called Dangerous Wonder by Michael Yaconelli, which talks about childlike faith, but it's also been something that I've been struggling with for a while, I just don't see putting off studying about God, to be worth the effort. So I applied to Emmanuel Bible College, and Tyndale University College, and left it at that.
This past week I got accepted to EBC, and after several days of basking in my happiness of being able to go to College, and doing what I feel God's Calling me to do, I went back into my usual “6” state (see my entry about the Enneagram), and began worrying about anything and everything that could go wrong with this such as how I was going to pay for college, how I'd pay off the debt I've taken to go on Radical Journey, and how I'd overcome my speech impediment when I preach (I have a really heavy speech impediment which makes it hard to understand what I say some times, my brother has literally translated what I've said for his friends before). And everything seemed to be impossible
But then yesterday at the Picnic, there was a time of worship, and we sang Hossana by Hillsong, which is about God's great providence, and seeing his Glory revealed on this earth, then Pastor Russel told us a story about a young man who wanted to be a missionary in Mongolia, despite his parent's wish for him to take on the family dairy business, and how he went to Yale, Seminary, and went off to Egypt for a missionary training program before getting sick and dying, and how he was totally committed to his cause.
Because of these things, I feel that God reminded me of the very strange events that led me to even to get to Africa, how I applied 2 months late, how I was supposed to be going to sweden, and how I didn't get my passport/visa back untill the day before I was supposed to go to Chicago, and how God's hand was in me getting this far. Now I know that God is with me, and if he is for me, then how can anyone stand against me?

And if anyone is interested, I am still waiting on Tyndale, so any prayers in that regard would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Albert falls times two and fun times

So on friday, we went to a retreat center in a place called Albert Falls in order to have a forcasting (read: planning) session for next year.

We got their friday night, and ate the best T-bone steaks I have ever eaten (maybe that's because I don't eat very many t-bone steaks). Then we played games that night. First I played thirty seconds (kind of like South African Taboo) and failed miserably at it. Then we played spoons, during one round, the last spoon flew off the table, and there were two of us still fighting for it, so I pushed the table towards the other guy, and then dived for the spoon on the ground (which was quite fun).
Then on Saturday (It was a sleepover), we had times of worship and planning for the next year, there they talked about the evangelism goals they have (5 new members/person), effective strategies for reaching those goals, and how the structure for the youth would change. One of my friends here, Wayne, (the guy I pushed the table at), was going to become a senior leader, my Mentor Hein, the guy in charge of the youth, will be taking a more supervisory role, and a bunch of the other leaders were moved between different parts of the town, to make up for one of them leaving for a YWAM Discipleship training school.

On sunday we returned to Albert Falls, but instead of being at a retreat center, we went to a park for an all Church Picnic, which was really fun. The youth set it up so that those senior leaders that could afford it would pay more, and those of us that couldn't could bring less expensive stuff, and everyone was really cool with it, and very gracious. I took a couple of pictures before my camera died again (don't worry, I'll steal pictures off other people's facebook accounts once they get posted), then I played Cheat, and then President before spending 2 hours Braai-ing.

Now this is probably the most important role that one can do at a south african gathering. Braai would be our Barbecue, but they don't have hamburgers and hotdogs, they have real meat- steaks and porck chops and chicken wings, etc, and they eat it in quantities far greater than what we do (in fact, literally one of the first things we were told when we got here was that South Africa is one of the few places that consider Meat to be a staple). So for me to Braai, made me feel deeply connected with south african culture. (The other great thing about being the braiier is that it is our right to sample the meat as we cook it).

Then when we got home I got an SMS (read:text) from a friend from youth inviting us to go to Fantasia, a carnival, with his friends, Connie and I were the only two up for it, but the two of us went anyways, going on incredibly sketchy rides (on the swinging ship, our side gate was kept attached using wire), then we drove to a restaurant to get take out, and went up to World's view.

Pietermaritzburg is literally in the middle of a bowl of mountains, which makes for lot's of pollution and popped ears and other such problems, but it also means that if you get to the top of the Bowl (at a place called World's view), you have an epic view of Pietermaritzburg, especially at 10 o'clock at night with all of the light's shining).

We spent the night talking, and bonding, sharing stories and telling jokes, and growing our relationships with the people of Pietermaritzburg.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Yeah, sorry I don't blog more often, but I really don't have much to say because:

1. We don't do much, after work we sit around and watch a tv show on our laptops, and I don't think you want to read about what Jim and Pam are doing on the office in season 4 (btw, we finally got season 4, so that prolongs our watching of the office, yay!)

2. I don't hate everything about africa, while there would be plenty of things to complain about, I've decided to not let them bother me, so I won't say anything about it.

3. I'm not good about talking about my feelings (hey I'm a guy, what do you expect), so That throws that option out to

So here is my blog